Remember, after next week Sunday Dec. 17, All Seasons is skipping Dec. 24, and resuming Dec.31
and link  will be on the whole week.

Hello Seasons Bloggers,  The link this week is open from Sunday December 10 to Wednesday, Dec. 13 till 7 pm, Pacific time.

Thank you for the bright  and positive intents of your posts. If they make me smile, they will have the same effect on others. Don’t forget to visit a few on the Linky list:)
For you who are concerned: we are 7 hours North of the fires, so we are not in danger, but we are thinking and praying for our friends there.

Like to know if you have certain traditions this time of year.
Am not a politically correct person, so you are welcome to be open and show what you love to do this time of year. My favorites are shopping for Christmas presents for the list my grands gave (one has 4 whole pages -she gets only one though!)
and painting a small painting about the Christmas story around the 25th .


PASS THIS ON for the ones who need this!

Hope you are still going strong and not overwhelmed because there is so much to do!
Really, only you decide how much there is to do, and how much you can leave off.
Also, it  pays off to take half an hour and schedule from hour to hour for the whole week “what” to do each hour. Somehow you do more, than just leaving it up to chance.

Much of being overwhelmed is  due to
1) having too much on your plate
2) not being able to say “no”
3) procrastinating and avoiding certain responsibilities
4) not enough sleep and living on fast food and sugar
5) not enough breaks (for every hour, a 10 min. break)
You have more energy, and can do more and are faster, if you are rested and well (healthy( fed!

A little reminder, it is easier to look for a job when you have a job, even if it’s baby sitting, dog walking,  or house sitting!
Included, also list temporary jobs, tutoring or volunteering, even it it’s for a few hours a week on your resume or CV. It shows you have initiative.





While things are in a transition outside (patio of the coffee shop






I let the lights shine inside







Deck the Halls…
mine aren’t decked yet!


Are you one who decks the halls, or are you a minimalist displaying one candle or ornament?


Share it with  All Seasons and Click here below to add your seasonal experience to the Linky List, so other can admire yours



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22 Comments Add yours

  1. Well the like button is gone! 😦 I like the light the candle lends the room, and love the big jar on the chair. I’m glad your far from the fires.

    I keep checking on Big Baby Boy as there’s one burning in the mountains above his town. 😦 I hope they’re able to contain them all beat them down soon!

    Merry Christmas Jesh to you J, and your family! xx

  2. jesh stg says:

    With glee, it took me a while to find out to hide the like button, because I got too many people liking and not leaving a comment (meaning they did not read my post)! I don’t mind a like when people engage with me, but the ones who are just doing it to do the PC thing, annoy me. Now I also know (because I didn’t keep track of, if my change in settings had worked) why it was “quiet” from the challenge we both participate in – good – I like it this way.
    Is big baby boy your brother? Living in Southern Cal? The images of the fires are scary. A friend of a friend already lost his home.
    Am not ready yet, and will wish you a merry Christmas, closer to the date. Are you staying home or going to your new one?

  3. Big Baby Boy is my son. He lives down in So Cal yes.

    Oh, I hadn’t realized you purposely took away your like button. Sometimes I like your posts and don’t leave a comment, but I read it!

    We’re staying here for Christmas.

  4. jesh stg says:

    You always left me a comment with your like – very appreciated! Did not know (or forgot) you had another adult child …so, you must travel South sometimes then. If you do, visit Pasadena’s Huntington Library (they have an internat. library, but also a huge botanical garden -really worth the entrance price! Count on a few hours at least.

  5. restlessjo says:

    Lovely post, Jesh- both sensible and soothing. 🙂 🙂 Haven’t bought our tree yet or the wreaths for the cemetery. Tuesday, I think. Heading to Leeds and potential snow today to see my son and his little family. Nightmare situation with those fires! Merry Christmas to you 🙂

  6. kenschneider says:

    Very good advice to all of us this week! Agree with you about “click and run” visits.

  7. Carol says:

    Good thoughts today, thanks! Wishing you a beautiful week

  8. Jackie says:

    I am a minimalist when it comes to Christmas. We have not been home for the last 5 Christmases so this year will be different. We are enjoying going around Toronto and seeing the holiday decorations.
    I have learned to take it easy and not do too much at this time.

  9. Hi Jesh — Definitely minimalist these days because we’ve been traveling, and just arrived to our winter home… no energy to both organize it and decorate it at the same time. We used to go full bore deck the halls though when we were younger — at least two Christmas trees, outside lights, every room decorated … I wouldn’t have missed all that for the world, but I am glad we live a different life now — times change and we welcome every chapter! Thank you for hosting.

  10. Time for candles and open fires. Thank you for sharing and hosting….

    Have a great week Jesh!

  11. Klara S says:

    December is a wonderful time 🙂 I always complain because of so many duties, but I love it! I usually have candles in small lanterns.
    Thank you for hosting and good luck!

  12. Rose says:

    I am in between in decorations, but usually put a lot of decorating into the tree, but the past two years not so much. and have not even got the nativity scene set up.

    I love that candle, too. I have always loved candles…you can read a bit about a candle experience HERE

  13. Mascha says:

    Wonderful photo with the candle, warms me in this cold morning (must go to the dentist later, aww!). My job is the care of my mother, after 4 weeks she turns 91… My Christmas decoration here in home is still a work in progress. But I have sorted out a lot of decoration things and gave them away to other people (we have here in town a facebook group to give things for free), it was to much! Feel more free without all this stuff…
    Most I wish, I had a few hours for painting (today and tomorrow it will not be, a maybe on wednesday?
    Yesterday we had a snowstorm and I took the geraniums(from my photo) in to the right time in the morning.
    Have a good new week 🙂

  14. You are right. I felt overwhelmed until I put an hour or two in the calendar dedicated to “tidy”, “baking” or whatever…
    It works fine!

  15. bettyl - NZ says:

    Wonderful series of photos. And some really good advice. Nothing spoils a holiday more than stress.

  16. Oooops! I ticked all five items as things that I do on your “feeling overwhelmed” list, Jesh… Explains why I’ve been feeling off colour and tired the last few days.
    One of the things we do each Christmas season is visit the nursing home close to our place and take a few small presents to inmates that have been seemingly “forgotten” there. Unfortunately there are quite a few that the carers point out. Their response to a visit and a smile and the gift of a flower or some cookies or a Christmas ornament is touching.

  17. PS: Thanks for hosting, despite the hectic activity of the Season, Jesh!

  18. Despite all the business and busy-ness, this is the time to spend time with family and friends and give…

  19. KL says:

    4 pages of gift and she is only 4….lol :-). I am really curious to know what she has written in those pages as i myself cannot make up 4 pages. How can that little person do :-)? What a beautiful composition of the candle-picture. I am participating in the Season meme but I think I am not following your directions. I have got your email and will reply soon :-).

  20. Yes, we do tend to get a little over-whelmed this time of year. So thank you for these little reminders to be easy on ourselves and for your lovely seasonal images! Have a lovely week.

  21. This is a wonderful time of year for candles and soft light.Thanks for the party.

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