Hello A Season Bloggers

Thank you so much for your lovely  posts last week! Well … I have a computer now, and a they were able to save the data of the previous one on a disk (most of my photos are one there!!) But going back to Apple after 20+ years, is relearning  – and I have forgotten 99%, lol! Thank you for concerned comments!

Still surrounded by the haze of warm weather events and trips, a small part of the melting pot, which is seen in building styles, customs, traditions from ethnic groups who chose the American way of life.

One of the things close to my heart are other cultures, so whenever I get the chance to learn something about another ethnic group, I will (my minor in college was Anthropology, and one of my expertise in the counseling room was cross-cultural issues).

In San Diego’s Old Town section,  a look into the  culture of the South Americas. Loved this kind of outing when I was still in grad. school, since I only had time for short excursions.

In the Open air Old Town San Diego  – free to visit, but sometimes hard to park.
Love these kind of roofs.




Music takes a great place in the South of the Americas.




In Old Town San Diego, free concerts of Bolivian or Peruvian music outdoors, while you eat ice cream.





A more elaborate architectural style of Casa del Prado in Balboa Park


Would love to hear if you have experiences with cultures other than your own!
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19 Comments Add yours

  1. So sorry about your computer, but I am glad they were able to save most of your photos. How frustrating. Learning a new system is always a learning curve. I love Old Town San Diego.

  2. Carol says:

    Glad you’re up and running. I only used Apple for a job for a couple of years. I’ve always been on Windows so it would be traumatic at this point to make the change. I have read numerous places that Apple is better for creative, art type applications so that is probably best for you. LOVE the architecture at Balboa Park.

  3. Debbie Smyth says:

    Wonderful! A place I would love to explore.
    Given your southern wanderings, I decided to take you north!

  4. Bill’s a Mac and I’m a PC… i’ve tried to use his and it is really hard to change, but he swears by it. I’m glad your pictures were saved; that’s what I worry about most even though we are supposed to be backing up to the cloud. Beautiful architecture and a park we loved — too long ago — I’d love to go back someday. Thanks for hosting!!

  5. jesh stg says:

    Only have been in London and Sussex, to love to know more about the North!

  6. kenschneider says:

    Love that old Spanish architecture! Everything is so new in our neighborhood, but there are plenty of imitations because of the strong Latin American representation in our founders and present residents. Thanks for hosting us!

  7. We loved San Diego Old Town when we visited and it’s still one of our wonderful memories of trips past, Jesh.
    Thanks for hosting.

  8. YARRA RIVER says:

    I’ve used an Apple for 30, Jesh and I love it. You’ll see how much more creative you can be once you get used to it again.
    Thanks for hosting!

  9. Sorry to hear about your computer woes, Jesh. I’ve been working on some version of Mac since the 1980s. Love it, so easy. My machine is outdated so I need to back up my photos asap. Love your photos of San Diego!

  10. jesh stg says:

    Thank you Carol:) I figured I could always go back to apple (having worked with Window since 1995) – the most frustrating was not knowing whether they could retrieve my data – hundreds of pics and about 400 pages of writing – so needless to say, am relieved!!

  11. Glad you photos were saved! I’m a Mac user.

    Years ago I worked for a place called the Center for Cross Cultural Communication in Washington, DC. It was a small operation dedicated mostly to the understanding of African art. It was easy then to think we had made great progress against racism. Now I wonder!

  12. Klara S says:

    Beautiful pictures. I love architecture details of Casa Del Prado.
    Thank you for hosting.

  13. jMo says:

    Peruvian music and ice cream, yes! I was lucky enough to hear a pan flute concert in a sweet little park near here once and it was heaven. Glad you have a computer again, I’ll use a PC if I have to but I always go back to a Mac even though a greedier company than Apple there never was. Old Town sounds right up my alley. Hope all is well with you, I bet you are anticipating the changing season. I was surprised to see leaves on a tree outside my window had already changed colors.

  14. Computers are great! Right up until they aren’t…
    I love Balboa park. Very nice photos!

  15. Glad your technology is back up and running. I’ve been to San Diego once – beautiful part of our Country. 🙂

  16. I am glad they were able to save the data. Wonderful photos. They brought back memories of our spending weekends at the Balboa Park when we lived in San Diego.


  17. Love your photos of San Diego! !

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