ALL SEASONS – Turning another Corner …. to May!




  Hello All Seasons Bloggers,

Your Seasonal experiences are always fun and interesting to read. Thank you – I had a great time looking at them:) Hope you’ll visit some, whenever you can.


This is the last of my themes. Haven’t heard a peep about it, so my guess is you don’t need a theme? If you forgot to let me know you like some themes, you still can comment on it this week, and I’ll post some themes later here.
Of course, you can always share your own experience. If there are some themes listed, these are always suggestions, not a requirement.
Just to repeat for newcomers:
* link one thumbnail per blog
* for owners of a meme/challenge, use another photo for the All Seasons posts than for your own meme/challenge, since it would otherwise be considered advertisement and your thumbnail will be deleted – now I’m retired I like to stay clear of any business purposes here!





A bend in the moat of the Castle Wijk by Duurstede,
in the province Utrecht, the Netherlands

The origin of this castle, now in the middle of the country, was built in the 13th century by the family of Zuylen van Abcoude. The castle, including the donjon (a squarish tower) and moat was built on a raised piece of land. Until 1924 the castle could only be reached by a ferry.
In 1449 the family was forced to sell it to the Bishop of Utrecht, David of Burgundy.

He reigned from 1459-1496 and made major renovations and additions to the castle. At this time the castle was a residence, but the Burgundy tower had a military purpose. After the death of one of his successors, Charles V (Roman Emperor) confiscated all possessions. Later, the States of Utrecht became the new owners after the Dutch Revolt of 1580, who spent funds on the town Wijk by Duurstede  and neglected the castle. When the French troops in 1672 devastated the town, the people used the stone of the castle to rebuilt their homes.

In 1852 the town council became the owner of the castle and turned the surrounding fortifications into a park.
You can see this info and photos at Wikipedia. When we were there, they had most of the castle wrapped in scaffolding, so we were not able to go inside.

Note: the name Zuylen van Abcoude is the whole last name. The double name signifies being of nobility heritage. The word “van” which is translated “of” in English, is always written without a capital letter. (So, it is Vincent van Gogh, not the way it’s written in English)





Tree on corner of this little stream, 30 min. from Jackson











Corner of tram rail in Open Air Museum, Arnhem, Holland





Of course, there hundreds of other corners we may take, and difficult to express in a few photos, such as a corner we turn in our mind, our in our job, or life style.




Your Turn


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19 Comments Add yours

  1. It looks beautiful, and the history is interesting. I didn’t know Van mean “of” and shouldn’t be capitalized. You learn something new everyday 🙂

  2. Joanne Sisco says:

    I’m a fan of castles, especially when it includes a turret 🙂
    Great photos! I was aware of the use of *van* in a proper name signifying nobility, but I didn’t know it wasn’t supposed to be capitalized. I too learn something new everyday!

  3. Mascha says:

    Nice place, well captured. Looks a little familiar for me in my corner of the world.
    We had a monastery here, which people demolished for their stone walls…
    Enjoy your springtime

  4. bettyl - NZ says:

    There’s something about a castle that is exiting for me!
    As for the themes, I don’t care for them since I don’t have time to search for photos that go along with them. 🙂

  5. Carol says:

    I’d love to explore the castle!

  6. facileetbeaugusta says:

    das sind wunderschöne Bilder! zu gerne würde ich mir dieses Schloss/Burg von innen ansehen. Danke fürs hosten.
    liebe grüße

  7. I’m so glad it is May! Yay! I’d love to visit a castle any time of the year. Thanks for dropping by my blog too.

  8. Linda says:

    Beautiful photos! Thank you so much for sharing this lovely tour! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. 🙂

  9. This was an interesting theme, Jesh. I lived near an area in Brooklyn, NY called New Utrecht for a few years. There was much Dutch influence in Brooklyn.

  10. Sallie says:

    Thank you for the lovely pictures and history lesson (and learning the meaning and use of van in names was most interesting). Themes don’t work for me. I only join those memes that allow me to share the pictures I would take anyway. thank you for providing this opportunity …. it is fun to see what the week has been like in other places.

  11. Philately says:

    Wow, what a magnificent castle, Jesh!
    Thanks for hosting.

  12. Now that is a proper castle! Happy May, Jesh.

  13. Mitzi says:

    I love Castles & you definitely captured this one in a unique manner. I love that is peeks through the trees! Wonderful images of a variety of corners. I can’t believe that we are in another month already! My how time flies!

  14. jesh stg says:

    Since you know French, it’s actually the same with “de” or “du” or” “le” or “la” in front of a last name, like “du Champ” et “de la Croix,” etc.

  15. jesh stg says:

    Thank you Betty!

  16. Ah makes perfect sense! 🙂

  17. I love the station image and also the castle. Thanks for including the story behind the castle.

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