The link of All Seasons is open this week from Sunday February 18 through Wednesday Feb. 21 till 7pm, Pacific time.

Dear All Season-ers!
A Great Show of your posts last week! Learned something – I discovered the Mardi Gras, and Fashing, and Rosen Montag (the last two in Germany) all fall in the same week, and all have a parade!

Hope everyone has detoxed from the chocolates! Had an eventful week, since I signed up for another email and started a new blog. I called it (click title)
The Jesh Studio,
but it’s a blog with different subjects  than this one. Dreams and visions and unseen encounters in the light of psychology and faith, and art combined with faith. Do not know yet how it’s going to develop, weekly, or at random.

It took me a few years to gather up enough guts, since some in blogl and are  scared of anything they don’t know. Please, keep an open mind would you – widen your horizon? There maybe some things out there, you don’t know about. Since I worked as a psychologist, I can smell a sect from miles away. So you can be at ease. Am not going to talk about aliens.


Needed some dramatic landscape, since the skies have been cloudy here.


These captures are from  the Garden of the gods in Colorado Springs. With hubby on the job there for a week  (years ago)I went with him. Much colder than in California (in May), but breathtaking. Our host insisted we also saw some things, next to work.
This rock was so huge, I took several shots to capture it all. Used it later for one of my paintings.




The red was very red, and the white very white!




Some snow on Pike’s Peak. We had no coat with us (only  Californians!),
so we opted not to to freeze.

These landscapes asked for more photographic skills than I had – to deal with the stark contrasts, but you get the idea. Pat in Colorado can be envied for living in Colorado.



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20 Comments Add yours

  1. Jeanna says:

    I’ve been there, how nice to see a familiar sight. I don’t believe I have many photos from the trip which doesn’t make sense because I was spending so much time in the darkroom back then…you make me want to see what pictures I have from my trip there. Very lovely and dramatic photos and best of luck on your new endeavors in blogland.

  2. Angie says:

    What I love about blogging is that we can always find pictures of somewhere that we are not!!! So, we can be in a grand landscape, or on a beach, or in someone’s lovely house in front of the fire with a cup of tea! Good luck with your new blog!!!

  3. Carol says:

    Lovely photos Jesh. Have a beautiful week!

  4. Debbie Smyth says:

    I love the red and white rocks – a sight to see indeed. Why does my list never get any shorter?!
    Have a great weekend Jesh

  5. Klara S says:

    Colorado mountains look amazing!
    It’s hard to take pictures with such a conditions. Yours are very good.
    Thank you for hosting.

  6. kenschneider says:

    I love the mountains and have so enjoyed my many visits to Colorado. My camera never really captures the visual effect of standing before a great mountain. No substitute for the real thing!

  7. I love the views of Colorado, too. I have faint memories now of my visits of long ago. What impressed me the most was even a flat area was high up in the air. Best wishes on your new blog, Jesh. 🙂

  8. jesh stg says:

    Thank you for linking to All Seasons! The same here about the bucket list, lol!

  9. A fantastic series of photos of Colorado, Jesh! I’ll be having a look at your new blog with interest.

  10. JOY OF GREEN says:

    Thanks for hosting, Jesh!

  11. Beautiful photos! I love visiting The garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs. Every visit reveals new vistas and treasures to me. The last time I was there I saw a bobcat in the wild!

  12. betty - NZ says:

    I visited there once a loooong time ago. Love your photos!

  13. Colorado is stunningly beautiful and your photos do it justice — we love it there (our youngest son and DIL live near Boulder) and visit often. Besides the cold the other thing we have to get used to every time we go is the altitude and the lack of humidity. I drink gallons of water while there.

  14. It can be difficult at times to capture photos we are happy with in difficult situations, but hey, at least we do it. Have a great week. I’ll pop over and take a look at your new blog.

  15. handmade by amalia says:

    Thank you for another lovely party. Happy February.

  16. Your lovely photos reminded me of many, many trips to the beautiful state of Colorado when we lived in the midwest. Lots of hiking around and best of all – white water rafting. Good memories. Thanks. 🙂

  17. Colorado is beautiful. I am so glad you got to visit. Lovely photos!


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