*Drag this image on your dashboard, then unto your blog as a button (but do not need to) for the Journal Page on your blog.
**You can link with your perma link in the comment section from January 5 (this post)
***Next time  is February 9 at noon, Pacific time (the Friday before Valentine’s day)


Hope you had meaningful holidays (even though it is stressful some times)
I was amazed at the projects you showed for December 8!
So delightful and creative:) Who knew you had that talent, if it were not for WEEKEND JOURNAL PAGE??

After the holidays, I understand if you did not have time to even have an idea to express your creativity , but when you refer to the Possibilities and Rules will get you back into the swing of it.

To refer to the Possibilities and Rules – CLICK


It is okay
– to say, “I rather have not any feedback or suggestions”
– not to give the beginning creative spurt that resulted in your idea, because some art develops into an invention
– to splatter your copy right sign  anywhere on the page.
–In the Window system the © is made by Alt key while you type 0169 (numbers on right).
–The Apple system one makes the ©© by the holding down the Option key and typing G.
WordPress-ers have it easy. The © is among the special characters, displayed by the Omega sign (on top with the fonts, colors of fonts, etc.) while  in edit mode.

You get the drift: protect your work!

Again, it is okay to just state an idea that you need to work out, or a sketch, or a line of intervals of musical notes, a tilt in your ball of clay, the idea for a story or book, a sequence of movements for mime or dance, and so forth.

Remember, if you do poetry: a sonnet or a haiku is a pattern. You can start with that, provided you need to break the rules of the pattern for the Weekend Journal Page!
To accommodate your reader, please explain which rule (s) you broke.
To participate with your art, give  your PERMA LINK in the comment section, so others can visit you. For the comment section, keep scrolling till the white page becomes marine blue!


Here is MY IDEA and beginning of a project, posted for January 5, 2018

When I saw this round scarf in the Knit Interweave from Fall 2017 I was smitten. It took working out some problems, before I even began.

I thought I had a pattern, but I ended up changing every detail, except for Tolkien’s saying. This meant in reality: I had no pattern! The good thing wss, that I could post it as a creative project here.

1)  most scarves patterns are for wool. I need a blend of wool of 30% or less
with cotton, silk, or acrylic.
2) This means I had to readjust the pattern – the gauge (how many stitches per inch). It follows I needed to change the amount of yarn I need,
3) and had to  change the size of the needles.

    the pattern had arrows, but I changed it into keys  at the bottom here

4) Then I changed the top pattern, because  it would look like  a coat instead of a scarf – too bulky!
5) Next, I made the arrows into Keys.
In short I made my own pattern, even though someone who does not knit, maybe couldn’t tell. The only thing that is the same, is the quote from Tolkien “Not all those who wander are lost.”

Now I could begin, so I thought .
Another little surprise, because I could not tell from the photos of the scarf that some that looked like the front, was the back or Wrong Side!

6) This meant that instead of “gold” color with charcoal (which looked horrible on my skin),  I switched to burnt sienna with charcoal.
This change resulted in having already one-third done, and having to start over.
Hubby always shakes his head at points like this, because I will do it over till it’s “right” and he has seen me do it over  8 times in a row (not with this project).

The little colored dots are the heads of the pins I stuck in the pillow where I was blocking the scarf on. (Blocking is stretching the knitting piece and spraying it with water, and letting it dry and set for a few days)

Another time I’ll show you the end results.


Your Turn!



13 Comments Add yours

  1. The scarf sounds wonderful, and is looking great. Can’t wait to see the finished product.

  2. jesh stg says:

    Thank you Deborah! After all the adjustments/changes I had to go through, it became something I like to wear !

  3. Mascha says:

    What a wonderful scarf! Can imagine, that it was very difficult (and other people often don’t understand, why we make anything – )
    Have not new projects, had some stress with mom, but I’ve edited some of my pictures, just for joy.

  4. jesh stg says:

    Thank you so much Mascha for linking – you posted quite a lot for Weekend Journal Page!
    Like you, there is not enough time (for me, it was because I had to prepare for the “small beginnings” in the Seasons post this weekend) – we can only our best – and that is good enough:):)

  5. From someone who has no patience for knitting this is mind blowing stuff – and very beautiful.
    Right now I don’t know what I’m about to do in January apart from sorting out and photographing old work and digitising slides and negatives.
    Link to “Untitled Head” – title suggestions please?

  6. KL says:

    You are a creative genius. Wow!!! do you sell all these? I am sure you can make a lot of money. Also, do you teach all these? perhaps you should start teaching here in blog. Okay, so I still have time to submit, right? I will do it by the end of this weekend.

  7. Hi, Jesh, here I am with my link to Agathe the Aardvark — http://www.su-sieeemac.com/2018/01/agathe-aardvark.html
    I don’t know yet if she’ll be a one thing or be part of a bunch of ideas. I can imagine her dancing the can-can. 🙂
    Jesh, my blog is part of blogspot; I’m too lazy to make it be an independent site. Did you send me an email recently? I think the last one was a few weeks ago when I got the calendar, thank you again.

  8. KL says:

    Hi Jesh,

    Here is my link — http://world-and-novice-naturalist.blogspot.com/2018/01/weekend-journal.html

    I think that’s what you want, right?

    Darn! you are so creative. Wow!!

  9. Pingback: VIEWS NEAR AND FAR

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