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                     Hello All Seasons bloggers,

Link is open from Sunday Sept 24 through Wednesday evening 7 pm (Pacific Time)

Your posts are incredible and amazing! Enjoyed so much visiting them.
Forgot to tell you that the week before, I had the feeling some of my comments didn’t come through, because  I made a typo with my username.  Just wanted you to know that I visited each of you!

How is Fall treating you? It’s giving us the cold shoulder. Last week temps suddenly dropped and last two nights it went as far as 48  degr! Suddenly socks, shoes, a hoodie and oven dishes! Much, much colder than the previous 3 years in Fall.




One advantage of living without much traffic is that it is easier to hear tiny sounds, and see small movements, like this parade of deer passing  the front of my house. On the slant of the tree trunks you see they’re going up hill.
Meet the neighborhood gang – at times  they surprise me. They hear the clicks of my camera, but they don’t stop dead in their track like a frozen statue. They keep walking. because they heard it before.
I, on the other hand , have learned to move slowly without sudden movements and do as if I ignore them. And so they do likewise. After all it’s just that strange human with that annoying clicking box.





My lipstick plant has bloomed three separate times. Not in the latter part of the year as before, but in spring and summer- that’s a new one!






This year our last three guests this year (except for family) have brought us wine – the least I expected, living on the country side!  Although living in the middle of vineyards may have to do with it:)




What pleasant or unpleasant surprises have you had this year?
Tell us about it:)



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13 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol says:

    Glad the deer ignore you – wish I could get the egrets that curry the yard to ignore me. Love the statue on the left. I have a post I’d like to read – it’s not really seasonal but it’s about artists.

  2. Leah says:

    Awe…the deer passing…that is definitely a little surprise! As you well know, our little surprises come covered in fur too, but they are always cats…they do tend to migrate to our home. Have a wonderful week my friend!

  3. Fall is wonderful here Jesh — the rain has cleared the air of smoke and it feels like Oregon is supposed to feel. I’m happy. Your deer are delightful, I admire your houseguests taste in host gifts and late summer/early Autumn looks lovely around your home. Thank you for sharing and for providing this opportunity for us to share. Happy Fall!

  4. Love the deer! We’ve had some cool nights, but now the heat is back.

  5. Oh! the dear parade right past your front door. How delightful! Precious.

  6. Aquarium says:

    Great photos, Jesh, love the deer!
    One big surprise this year was an unexpected visit from a dear friend of ours who lives quite far away. We hadn;t seen him for quite a while and it was fun catching up.

  7. Jeanna says:

    The deer haven’t been too visible around here lately which means they’ll leap out when you least expect them, that’s very sweet you and the deer have an understanding. Your lipstick plant is fantastic!
    It is soooo hot here, we’ve broken records four out of the last five days. I hate it and long for fall weather. I’ve heard it’s going to drop more than 40 degrees this week, we’ll see and it wouldn’t surprise me. I only ask for weather in the low 80s, is that too much to ask for the end of September in Wisconsin? I think not.

  8. So lovely deers! Our summer was cold and fall is cold and wet too, not season for photos…

    I had a unpleasant surprise a few weeks before: doc says, I must in the hospital and have a surgery again. That’s my horror number one! Never!!!!!!!!
    Now I make a gluten and kasein free diet, maybe I can therapy my allergies and inflammations by myself? I hope, that’s working. It’s not a fun, especially, because I haven’t the money for the urgent needed things to eat and I can buy them only in markets very far away. That was always the last, what I’ve wanted: to spend the whole day with my nutrition! Sigh! But what should I do?
    At the “Table”, where I normally get our foods for free, they have’t these nutritions.

    My linked post is not the right for All seasons, but I haven’t just a better matched post.Sorry.
    Only one of my picstories to a music track…

    Have a good and sunny week 🙂

  9. Mascha says:

    PS: I’m Masha from “Maschas Buch”, of course – I haven’t seen, that I’ve logged intoday with my WordPress Account – it’s an very especially blog project: a fictive writer from the begin of the 19th century make a time travel in our time and write in old fashioned language. Just a little fun, to save in times of twitter the richness of German language. You must not visit it, it’s hard to translate the old language –
    Sorry, seems, that I’m totally confused.

  10. bettyl - NZ says:

    I am a huge fan of little surprises! How awesome to have the herd wandering about so closely.

  11. kenschneider says:

    The deed have been seeking high ground because of the high water levels in the Everglades, so it has been a treat to see them in our local preserve area. Unlike your herd, they are not accustomed to seeing humans so it is very difficult to get near them.

  12. handmadejewelryhaven says:

    Living in the city, that is located in south Florida, we don’t get many deer around here, although we DO actually have a ‘Deer Crossing’ sign on the west side of town(?) I will content myself to look at yours!
    This is my first time visiting your blog and I hope to visit more often!

    – Lisa

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