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Hello All Seasons Bloggers,
Link open from Sunday Sept 17  to Wednesday Sept .20 ( till 7 pm, Pacific time)

Enjoyed you great, lovely, and witty posts of last week! About this title: pun not intended:):) Seeing new possibilities!If you “dive into Fall” as the title says, don’t hurt yourself(! )or become overwhelmed,. Lets start simple! Take a deep breath, look at the sky, the trees, and the flowers.
“Okay, ” you say, “I did it. Now what?”
Look what you have in your hand … In other words, look at what you already have, and have been thinking for  a few weeks what you need, want, or even impossible to be doing.
These may be beginnings, skills, direction, opposite from before.
Take courage and boldness to tackle this thing. You can do it!

Don’t shrink back if you don’t get it exactly right the first time. Give yourself leave way to make mistakes!




The mountain in front of you may have been very steep. You have been at it for a while,
and you’re really tired. You wished you could get off this one,
but you’re stuck with the choices you made!
Get unstuck by taking a breather. Give yourself permission. Get some new perspectives.
Take some walks. Listen to your favorite music, see movies you like,
visit friends who make you laugh.

(The angles of these hills make for interesting views, no a special lens or edit!)




By letting your mind relax, you have created “space” or “room” to see things from a new perspective.
Some are able to relax more by doing physical things, like hiking, or sports.
Others are more auditory inclined, like going to a concert, play,  the beach, and hear the ocean.
Others are physically  inspired by seeing beautiful or unusual things.
There are also the ones who  relax by experiencing tactile stimulation like textures, different foods, etc.






The last 5 years in the city I was very busy with painting and counseling, but living close to a mall, traffic was stressful, and I really missed seeing the sunset, since our condo was boxed in by buildings.
Now on the countryside,  I see them every time across the street, and anything else that is in the sky. (Doesn’t this look like a huge wing?) Our (horrid) move was because I needed a bigger space for painting, but I had not counted on the amazing and invigorating views that would come with it!  So, you never know what beautiful things your new journey will bring!


Are you trying out something new this Fall? Fun to share – we like to know and support you in your new endeavor!





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11 Comments Add yours

  1. Carol says:

    Thanks for hosting, hope you have a wonderful week

  2. Mascha says:

    Woohoo, a stair-mountain, how great is that! Would like to try to climb up…
    Congrats to the move to a “skyful” place, I could not live without my rooftop and the view around (in my linked post you see that view)
    Thanks for hosting, have a nice new week

  3. Nice photos and inspirational words!

  4. Klara S says:

    Autumn is definitely coming. I wasn’t going to try something new, but maybe I should… 😉
    Thank you for hosting. Have a good week.

  5. Jeanna says:

    It’s interesting how fall is both the end and the beginning of so many things. I will have affordable access to a therapy and lap pool this fall when I previously had to scramble so that’s something. But I’ll be missing the Farm Art DTour they have north-west of here and all of the creative artworks displayed on farms and in country spaces. I think you’d like it. I do see a great wing in the sky now that you mention it. Have a great week.

  6. While you prepare for Autumn’s arrival, we are ushering out Winter and ready to welcome Spring, Jesh. I am determined this year to learn to swim!

  7. Linja says:

    Inspiring post! Love the photos too.

  8. bettyl - NZ says:

    Lovely photo and awesome words to go with it. The flower is fabulous, too.

  9. Sharon says:

    I love that steep, grassy slope. Beautiful!

  10. jesh stg says:

    Thank you Sharon.I really enjoy the way you do your posts – always so well put together:)

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