Hello Season Bloggers

The link is open this week Sunday November 26 – Wednesday November 29 till evening 7pm, Pacific time

A great turnout last week with your interesting, lovely, and beautiful posts for All Seasons! Am hugely thankful for you, wonderful people !

Hope the ones who were celebrating thanksgiving.

From my previous job I know, this season brings up all kinds of unresolved and difficult relational issues.
When it is up to others to change, all you can do is to focus on the good things in your own life.
Keep an appropriate distance (in your mind) and be determined to stay positive (it means no complaining, whining,  demanding, or staying  resentful!).



Happy birthday to the hidden other photographer of my blog!

Gleefully he started on the huge pile of strawberry dessert his daughter gave him. When the younger grands looked with big eyes, asking why he got sooo much,
I chuckled, “She wants to sneak on some pounds on your grand dad!”





The red brownish color of these  60 feet pines is not because of Fall but because these trees were dying.

Last year we were the first in our neighborhood last Fall having to have  these 60 foot trees  cut because they were dying, caused by a beetle. infestation. Little did we know that  our whole neighborhood, trees would be cut for the same reason after that, till deep in the Spring this year.

We were still fortunate, we had to cut down only 7. Some had to cut 20 trees, or more. A mobile park around the corner 200 trees, Sad.
The upside of this is that some people have plenty of fire wood. Central heat is not enough in winter.




a  part of the wood piles, next to the tinker room




The deer (below) was watching hubby throwing the logs out of the window
to shorten the carrying job.




When I started walking up these steps, he turned.
I could hear him say, “I guess they want me to go now!”



Which unforeseen event(s) did you have to adjust to this year?



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13 Comments Add yours

  1. Mascha says:

    So sad for the trees and so unusual and painterly it their colors!
    Unforeseen events are always like a hammer, but well, that’s life! Maybe it would be boring without… 😉
    Enjoy the last days before Christmas time

    By the way: in my linked up post is a track from a Dutch music group.

  2. kenschneider says:

    Before we moved from the mountains of New Mexico to Florida we experienced a tremendous die-off of Pinyon Pine trees, also due to beetle infestation and disease. Prolonged drought and warmer temperatures weakened them. This has been a difficult year for Mary Lou, as she lost all three of her surviving older brothers, each two months apart. Her other older brother (younger than me) passed away two years ago. Her only surviving sibling and one of his daughters visited us for Thanksgiving and we had a delightful time. Hope our Illinois family will be able to come out for Christmas. Remember the good times and the good people, and be thankful for what we have!

  3. kenschneider says:

    I forgot to say that we all celebrated the 60th anniversary of our engagement the day before Thanksgiving!

  4. Alexa T says:

    Dear Jesh,
    First of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HAPPY CELEBRATIONS to you and whole family!
    And such lovely and inspired thoughts to share about how to remain positive!! Absolutely, I agree and I’m thankful to be inspired by your warm words.
    Also, so sad to read about those pretty amazing trees!… And how lovely to have a deer to visit you in your yard; nature is stunning… 🙂 In the city, it is impossible to observe such events. You’re so very lucky!
    These days I enjoyed autumn and still doing this, of course, even it is pretty cloudy and rainy, somehow is nice…
    Have a very good Sunday and great new week ahead! Alexa

  5. Carol says:

    There was a beetle infestation in Michigan about 15 years ago and a lot of trees were destroyed – I think elms. The state asked people not to use the wood for fires but give to the state to destroy as the beetles were in the wood. Many people took it up to their northern cabins in Michigan for fire places and spreaed the beetles thru out the state.

  6. Happy Birthday to your Hubs! The cycle of life. Still that’s a sad ending for the trees. Hopefully new growth will happen in the foothills. Have a wonderful week, Jesh. 🙂

  7. What a shame about the trees. I hope that the disease is not still harboured in the wood you have cut. Such a shame when trees die like this. Yes, I understand about unresolved issues, and read something recently about not letting people “feed” on you. Have a wonderful week and happy birthday to hubby!

  8. bettyl - NZ says:

    Happy birthday to Hubby! I always feel sad when I see dying or dead pine trees (or any kind of tree, for that matter). But if they have to die, they can, at least, be used for firewood. What a wonderful visitor in your yard!!!

  9. How sad that the pine trees are dying in such numbers, Jesh. I do hope some new ones are being planted to replace them. I am active in a volunteer group here and we plant new trees in areas that have been cleared or have been burnt. At least the wood of your cut down pines will be put to good use. Many happy returns of the day to your husband.

  10. SEEING RED says:

    PS: Thanks for hosting.

  11. Hi Jesh
    Happy birthday to your husband!
    I am sad about how many pine trees have been killed by beetle infestation in the west. Warm winters make those beetles thrive ad so far Colorado has been having above average temperatures. It’s good you cut your beetle kill trees down as they are fire hazards.
    Thanks for hosting Seasons every week!

  12. Klara S says:

    Hello, Happy Birthday to your husband. It’s such a shame about the trees 😦 I feel sad every time when I see tree cut down.

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