TRAINS and Things


Love trains, since they were my only transportation (except for the bike) to get to school and other places in my teens

railroadhousebrightoldtown_7421Train station




Watch your step for my RED of ABC Wed., Tue Travel, Tue. Treasure




Spooky Train (Tue Treasure, Tue Travel)




Floral Fri Foto, Todays Flowers




Ducks having a good time
Week. Reflections,  Fri Greens, Nature Notes




Billowing Clouds
(Sky Watch)




Meanwhile enjoy sharing your experience in ALL SEASONS
in the post TREEEZ in Fall Nov. 6 – 9


Thanks to All the Hosts!
*Thurs. Door * Good Fences  * Floral Fri Foto  *  Sky Watch
Weekend Reflection, Fri Photo Journal * Fri Greens *
Pink Saturday *
Blue Monday  *  Life thru Lens  * Our World *
Tue Treasure  * Tue Texture  *  Nature Notes  *  Tue Travel  *
ABC Wed.-R  *  Outdoor Wed.  *  Communal Global  * Whatever Weather *

42 Comments Add yours

  1. Norm 2.0 says:

    You’ve got a few nice doors in this post – nicely done 🙂

  2. Peter B says:

    I like the second photo. Did you notice the upstairs door that opens to… nothing! I’m sure there was a landing there or balcony, and you can see where the stairsteps used to go down the side of the building.

  3. Fabulous shots of the train. I love the wooden train station building, lovely detail around the roof.

  4. TexWisGirl says:

    really neat old station. love the water garden, too.

  5. Riding on a train would be fun. I like the look of the train station.

  6. jesh stg says:

    How I managed to take the shot of the building without people I don’t know -it’s always full with tourists there!

  7. I haven’t been on a train for many, many years (other than commuter trains.) It would be fun to go on one again.


  8. Dancin Fool says:

    Wonderful clouds forming there!

  9. Love the train station! I rarely eat the crust in order to shave off some calories and still enjoy some pie. 🙂

  10. I like trains. I missed your linkup again. Where does the time go?

  11. You did well. There are some places I would like to photograph before the streets fill with people but I would have to get up at five am and travel for an hour, so I may never get that shot, lol. I only get up at that time for a plane journey. 🙂

  12. Carol says:

    I love old trains and your photos are great. I’m ready to roll down the track.

  13. Love the trains and the critters you saw

  14. Eileen Wise says:

    Hello, wonderful shot of the train and station. I love the pretty waterlily and the ducks. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  15. James says:

    Old trains are so cool! I like the reflection and I think the ducks like it too. 🙂

  16. scotiaspinner says:

    I love your picture of the ducks! That water lily is just stunning – they are long gone from here at this time of year.

  17. Toot, toot! I enjoy riding trains. Haven’t ridden many though. Maybe that’s why I like riding them. That’s a cute photo of the ducks. Quack, quack. 🙂

  18. scotiaspinner says:

    Hi again, thanks for your comment on my blog. Yes, you can certainly get a spinning wheels second hand. All 3 of my wheels have been second hand, and all from Craig’s List. I still have 2 of the 3 – and the one I re-sold wasn’t a bad wheel, just not one that was right for me. I definitely recommend keeping an eye out. I first learned to spin using a drop spindle, which is useful in learning how to draft the fibers and learning the initial motions. It’s a much slower process, but a good place to start. You might have a spinners guild or group in your area who could get you started. The one thing I should mention is that different fibers are very different to spin. Cotton and silk are among the most difficult fiber types to spin. Cotton has extremely short fiber length, so it is quite tricky for a beginner because it is hard to keep a strand going. Silk is very slippery and thus also somewhat difficult to spin. The easiest fiber to learn with is a sort of rustic-style wool, which would probably bother your allergies. Some people who have wool allergies are actually allergic to treatments that commercial wool undergoes, rather than the wool itself, and they find that they can use wool from small farms that hasn’t been subjected to those treatments. You can also get acrylic “roving” (the stuff that you spin into yarn) so that might be a good starting point for you. If you try starting with cotton or silk, it may be quite frustrating (at least it would be for me.) I’ve been spinning for about 8 years and I avoid cotton because of how tricky it is. Silk I don’t mind now, but it’s taken experience to get there. I hope that helps a bit – spinning is a wonderful hobby! I learned to spin before I learned to knit or crochet. 🙂

  19. bettyl - NZ says:

    We love trains, too. I love the old depot building.

  20. vem030956 says:

    Yep we are hooked on trains too!! Love the pictures!

  21. jesh stg says:

    you crack me up, Susie! I bet you are great with kids!

  22. We like trains too! i wish it were a less expensive way to travel! Nice old station —

  23. jesh stg says:

    Since you like traveling, is a trip through Europe (with a europass) something?

  24. Melody62 says:

    public transpartion….. brrrrrrr I’ve always hated it and I am very glad to have a car of my own for many years now 😉 Lovely photo’s…. I do like to photograph stations and trains etc but riding in them, no way.

    Have a wonderful ABC-day / – week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  25. photowannabe says:

    Nice photos f the trains and I do like the splash of RED in that shot.

  26. narami says:

    I love the train bit! And the sky. And the pond. Thanks so much for sharing this jesh! Lovely!

  27. Teresa says:

    My son was always fascinated with trains when he was little. I think it would be fun to travel by train. Nice image of the ducks. Thank you so much for joining Friday’s Hunt. Have a great week!

  28. Love the picture of the wooden train station I too love looking at old trains
    and railway station. There are lots of restored old railways in the uk,
    In the wonderful city of York there is a great railway museum, you’d love it!
    Thanks for sharing you passion with us, most interesting.
    best wishes,
    Abcw team.

  29. treadway says:

    I love trains, too…I walked a railroad to school all my growing up years.

  30. It is amazing how each train station seems to look different. Nice photographs. Great memories.

  31. Great shots of the train, Jesh. The waterlily is marvellous!
    Thank you for joining Floral Friday Fotos.

  32. I love the old train house! My father in law who is from holland is a big train lover! He has hundreds of collector trains. Have a great week!

  33. Joy says:

    Trains, best way to travel. Love that station building, looks like a water tower on top.

  34. I still love trains too! Lovely photos! Thanks so much for linking up on Wandering Camera. Could you please add link back? That is the only requirement of the linky party.


  35. The water is thick and green like pea soup! 🙂 Ducks must love it…
    Thank you for linking with the Friday Greens meme.

  36. Lisa says:

    I really love train stations. Especially older ones like the one that your captured.

    Lisa @ LTTL

  37. Perfect post for Seasons and Nature Notes…love the ducks…Michelle

  38. Thanks for linking to the Saturday Silhouettes meme.

  39. jammy7000 says:

    Beautiful photos, lovely entry, Jesh!
    Thank you for linking up with the Travel Tuesday meme, hope to see you again there this week.

  40. Your photos are stunning 🙂

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